Wednesday 3 February 2010

Protagonist Comparason

We used Clarice from Silence of the Lambs to compare to our protagonist. She is very involved in her work and shows great fascination with Hannibal Lector.
  • Her costume tells us that she is very committed and smartly dressed we don't often see her casually dressed which shows us she is more work than play.
  • Shes a strong woman who is determined to solve these clues and get Hannibal even though it involves getting mixed up in a very dangerous way of life and work.
  • She often turns to clues and has a strange relationship with Hannibal which makes the film more gripping, we know our Antagonist, it's like a constant gripping mind game.
  • Our protagonist links in with Clarice because they're both committed to their job and we are going to show this in his costume, we will always have him dressed smartly.
  • They will both be putting their lives and spare time into catching their antagonists, they will both be chasing up clues until the antagonist is behind bars.

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