Monday 25 January 2010

12/12A Classification


12 and 12A have the same criteria the only difference is 12A is available at the cinema and means a child under 12 is allowed in with a parent, 12A allows the parent to judge the film and make the decison whether or not it is suitable for their child to watch. 12/12A means no one under the age of 12 allowed to see, buy or rent it.


  • Drug abuse must not be glamourised or shown in detail, must be very vague and infrequent.
  • Moderate language can be used, strong words must not be frequent 'one offs'.
  • Horror sequences must not be frequent or sustained but they can show both physical and pyschological threats.
  • Nudity is allowed but in a sexual way it must be kept discreet.
  • Adult themes are allowed but the way they deal with it must be suitable for young teenagers.
  • Sexual activity must be breifly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual references must be suitable for young teenagers, nothing too outragous.
  • Violence must not be detailed, there shouldn't really be emphasis on injury and blood. Sexual violence can only be indicated or implied discreetly and must have strong justification.
  • Easy access weapons must not be glamourised. Dangerous behaviour, for example self harming should not be shown to be pain free and easy, they shouldn't go into detail on things that could end up being copied.
  • Aggressive or disciminatory language is unlikely to be allowed unless very strongly condemned

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