Also neither should they be sold or rent a 15 rated film. It is illegal.
How a 15 is classified
- Must not have discriminatiing language or behavour.
- The film on a whole must not promote illegal drugs, but may use short scenes.
- strong threat or menice are permitted, unless they are linked with seducing or sex.
- Strong language is allowed if justified with the content, but there may not be a repeated use of highly strong language.
- Nudity and sex is allowed but in miled detail.
- Sexusl conent is allowed in miled detailed, strongest references are not accepted unless justified with content.
- The is no prohibited themes, provided the film is appropriate for 15 years and under.
- Violence is allowed but may not be shown for long periods of time, neither dhould it be sexual violence, there may be strong language to portray violence but must be discreet if sexual.
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