Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Se7en Analysis

00:00 - 06:20


Lighting ..It's really dimly lit, it's like a coloured version of the black and white film noir. This lighting is effective because it's very doom and gloom which suits the genre, if it was bright and colourful we would expect to see a more upbeat and cheerful film.

Colour ..There is very little colour in this film, it's very dull which could mean people are less distracted by all the bright colours and therefore actually pay more attention to what is being said which is crucial to a thriller. The dull gloomy colours help set the atmosphere.

Props ..His badge, pen and knife are all layed out organised on the table for him, these all seem to look slightly brighter than everything else maybe to show the importance of the character, they're all in gold to which shows a high rank. The ticking object by his bed sets up for the opening credits, it also signifies time and time is linked in greatly with the film itself, eg the mass killer killing within seven days, will they succeed?

Setting ..For some reason it strikes me as New York with all the background noise. It's very dingy and dirty, the kind of place where murder is easier to get away with or more commonly seen.

Costume ..You can tell who the police are straight away by their uniform and then you get the higher ranks which are also quite easy to spot, eg, the smart suits and badges show detectives or other high ranks like Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt.

In all of the scenes with Morgan Freeman talking to the other character he is always in the shot, This implies that he is more important because he is always the focus.

The opening scene in Se7en is full of background noise which helps us imagine the city as very grimy and crime filled place.

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