Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Analysis of Vertigo

Very dramatic and fast paced, when the cop falls off the build the music becomes more daunting. The music before this is building up tension to the disaster that is going to happen.

The lighting is dark and dull, it focuses mainly on the characters and the action.

The scene was very grey, there were no bright colours, this could suggest a serious and bleak atmosphere.

We could differentiate the characters, who were the good characters and the bad characters because of their costume, e.g. the policeman in his uniform and his colleague who was perhaps higher up than him because of his smart uniform, he would've been a detective or something similar.

The policeman had a gun that we could hear firing in the opening of the clip, this added effect to the scene because it shows that the criminal is worth shooting at and the good guys are desperate to subdue him.

The city looks grimy and dangerous. Because the characters are on a high roof we can tell that disaster is about to strike due to the name of the film, Vertigo and the music.

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